Tuesday 20 November 2018

The Streets of San Francisco...

Street poverty in San Francisco is appalling. Twenty years ago, at least people slept in doorways. Nowadays they just sleep anywhere on the sidewalk. Human faeces are visible and the place is a health hazard. Signs such as “help, have AIDS, need food” are not uncommon.

Took a walk through the Tenderloin on Saturday, which is horrible. People queuing for food, a lot of them either drunk or stoned, and mainly Black.

The Amtrak ticket clerk was telling me that a few months ago there was a prestigious sales conference in the city and they cleared the streets of homeless to create a better impression. He has recently started driving for Uber to make a bit of extra cash. Demand for Uber is massive here because Twitter and Google are based in the Bay Area and the tech kids have so much money, they will call an Uber to travel two blocks. He says the trickle down economy is working for him. 

The photo shows striking workers outside the Marriott hotels. Mostly Latino. They were making a hell of a din.

- Perdiccas

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