Currently replacing Eduardo Paolozzi's Vulcan in Central Square, outside The Telegraph and behind the Central Station is this shopping car construction (let's not say 'sculpture'), DNA DL90 by Abigail Fallis. Vulcan is 'on tour' around the UK and this is the first of a series of works that will replace it until it returns.

"DNA DL90 visualises Abigail Fallis's comment that 'shopping trolleys are everywhere, and have become a real symbol of modern society and today's consumer culture'. Her sculpture also alludes to scientific investigations into the designer baby, and the lengths society is prepared to go to ensure a perfect specimen. With the suggestion that consumerism has outstripped religion and other preoccupations in western countries, comes the argument that babies born into a first world society are born to shop.
The first edition of DNA DL90, seen in the grounds at Goodwood, was the result of the supermarket conglomerate Somerfield approaching the artist with a commission to create an artwork for the Muscular Dystrophy charity. Designed to focus public attention on the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign's work to fund scientific research into possible treatment and cures, DNA DL90 was also influenced by the 50th anniversary of the discovery of DNA's double-helix structure - fundamental to the understanding of muscular dystrophy itself."
By the way, how the hell did The Telegraph win some (any) kind of pub of the year award?
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