Friday 21 June 2024

Donald Sutherland RIP


Twenty Best Donald Sutherland - in no particular order:

1. Don't Look Now

2. Ordinary People

3. 1900

4. M*A*S*H

5. The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

6. Klute

7. A Dry White Season

8. Steelyard Blues

9. Kelly's Heroes

10. JFK

11. The Eagle Has Landed

12. FTA

13. The Day of the Locust (wherein he plays Homer Simpson - but not that one)

14. Johnny Got His Gun

15. Alex in Wonderland

16. Fellini's Casanova

17. Six Degrees of Separation

18. Eye of the Needle

19. The Dirty Dozen

20. Start the Revolution without Me

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