The Three Tuns, Coppergate: -
Love Song
Into The Light
You've Got A Friend
Heart Of Gold
You're Sixty*
Tell Me Why
I Don't Want To Talk About It
* I've taken to singing Johnny Burnette's classic with a twist - "you're sixty, you're beautiful and you're mine". More tasteful I think, and amusing - the audience certainly agreed. A quiet pub with 4 or 5 players, but a very attentive and appreciative audience. After downing my free pint for playing, I made my way to the second venue of the night.
Sotano, Little Stonegate: -
Out On The Weekend
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Sotano is a basement bar with an excellent open mic night. The place was rammed when I arrived (10:15-ish). Already the list of players was into the early hours and that with only 2 songs each. It must have been 1:25am when I finally took to the stage, after drinking with my foot on the break pedal - £4.50 a schooner!! nevertheless there were plenty of punters giving it some. While at the bar I was approached by a Canadian lass who had noticed my Neil Young t-shirt. Her favourite song was Out On The Weekend, or as she described it "the one that goes see the lonely boy", so I obliged. Luckily there was just time for another free drink before I headed off.
The Habit: -
Ron Elderly: -
Just My Imagination
You Better Move On
Da Elderly: -
Things We Said Today
One Of These Days
The Elderly Brothers: -
All I Have To Do Is Dream
When Will I Be Loved
Medley: Sweet Caroline/Hi Ho Silver Lining
Ron Elderly: -
Make You Feel My Love
Da Elderly: -
Baby What You Want Me To Do
Laurel Canyon Home
Our usual host was taking a night off and the organisation was rather more....err....organised. 2 songs each or 3 for a duo. When everyone had had a turn, the rota started again. The place was pretty full all night and there was the usual variety of players including an excellent harmonica player, a lad on ukulele and a raucous duo (double bass & guitar). I invited the harmonica chap to join me on my last two bluesy numbers. The lad on ukulele finished off the night with a wonderfully dextrous instrumental arrangement of the Queen/Bowie classic Under Pressure.
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